Sunday, June 24, 2012

Matte Painting Planet

This is the matte painting assignment for my Game Design class. The objective of the assignment was to replicate a matte painting assignment we had started in class..

For this assignment I used all of the tricks that we had gone over in class. The idea was to make a realistic space scene like the one we had done in class. I used a galaxy background as a reference for the colors and how the stars should look along with the background. This assignment required the use of filters. The Clouds filters were used to make t background look more cosmic. I used noise filters and levels to create the star background. And the radial blur was used in combination with a dissolved brush to make the lightburst effect. The brighter stars were also made using a brush in addition to a layer style to give them a brighter glow. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cliff Demo

This is the matte painting assignment for my Game Design class. The objective of the assignment was to take composite three photos together to make one unified image.

For this assignment I used all of the tricks that we learned in class. The first thing I did was use quick mask to make my selection to cut out the man and the cliff. After doing that I laid him on to the background scene. I laid the sky onto the image afterward and then started to color correct the images. I used multiple adjustment layers on each image and tweaked them to give the impression of a cloudy afternoon. I mainly focused on adjusting the brightness and contrast of the images to give the scene the right look. I used a lot of quick selections and adjustment layers to darken the background to make the cloudy sky seem more realistic. I also brightened up the left hand ridge as the sunlight would have affected the edge just a bit.