This is an assignment for my Game Design class. The objective of the assignment was to create tileable texture that could be used in a video game.
The first texture was of a concrete wall. I made an attempt to clean up the image and remove any sections that would break the texture once it was tiled. I tried to minimize potential seams but the left side of the image proved to be difficult. I used multiple layers and selection to cover up the glaring areas. Adjustment layers were used to boost the details in the image to look more defined. I also used the content aware tool to clean up sections of grime that would have tiled over and broken the texture's tiling effect.
For the second texture I used a metal container image. I used the same approach with this one that I took with the second one. I cropped and offset the image to make sure it was the same size and that it would tile correctly. After that used the content aware tool to try to make the bordered sections match more cleanly. After that I made adjustment layers to emphasis the details. I used levels and curves and created copies of the actual texture and applied blending modes to them. This assignemt wasn't very difficult but it took some time to make the textures into something that looked good and still able to put up as a titleable element in a game. I had more trouble with the first texture because i forgot to offset it at first. I tried to fix it as best i could without starting over but there is a clear seam in the image about halfway through. The second texture wasn't as bad mainly because I did the offset first.
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